Dr. Robert D. E. Henderson
BSc, MSc, MBA, PhD
Physicist | Photographer | Academic | Physician-in-training
Teaching Dossier
Teaching Experience
Lecturer, University of Waterloo
Courses Taught
- MNS 102: Techniques for materials and nanoscience. Spring 2016. Faculty of Science.
Taught at Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China, as part of the joint international 2+2 Materials and Nanosciences program. - MATH 104: Calculus for Arts & Social Science. Winter 2016. Faculty of Mathematics.
- MATH 103: Algebra for Arts & Social Science. Fall 2015. Faculty of Mathematics.
- SCI 10: Communication Skills for Physics & Chemistry. Fall 2015. Faculty of Science.
- SCI 238: Introductory Astronomy. Spring 2015. Faculty of Science.
If you would like a copy of my full teaching dossier, please send me an e-mail.